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What is a Health Coach?

Health Coaching is a consistent, ongoing relationship where the coach walks alongside the client to help them implement new skills, changes and goals. While you may be initially focused on a physical health issue, other dimensions of your life will also be addressed. At our core, our spirit desires to address spiritual related issues.


Walking in agreement together with the Holy Spirit guiding the changes that needs made. We are encouraged by "Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you'll be able to test and approve what God's will is - is good, pleasing and perfect will."  (Romans 12:1-2)

As your health coach, I will identify and provide tools, perspective and structure to accomplish specific health-related goals through a process of accountability. 


The value and beauty of a Bible believer as your health coach is that you can trust and appreciate the significance of putting into practice the principles found in the Bible.


Why I Am a Health Coach

There was a point in my life where I contemplated my purpose in life. During that time, a friend asked ‘as a little girl, what did you want to be when you grew up’? After some contemplation, I recalled always wanting to help people. Upon starting a family, helping people became a full time job. Not only did I help my hubby and children live a healthy life, my friends and family began asking me how they too could live a healthier life. 


As my children approached adulthood, I decided to take the plunge and get certified in Health Coaching & Nutrition. For 15 years, I have coached people who want more out of life:


  • To start a family

  • Rediscover their identity

  • Better health

  • More happiness

  • Greater confidence

The possibilities are endless!


My goal is to help you understand your value and worth. You are worth looking after; this so you can continue doing what you love and being there for those who love you. I offer a holistic approach to helping you make major lasting improvements to your health and happiness, by making gradual changes to your diet and self-care.


An even larger aspect of our health is our emotional health. We all experience trauma at one time or another and that trauma can become lodged in our body causing both physical and mental dis-ease. 


Did you know your dis-ease could be caused by emotions? I know what you're thinking, "Oh boy, that's crazy, I have an injury or I have... (you name it), she's crazy!" But really, what is ailing you could be a direct result of an emotional trauma that settled somewhere in your body that over time has put that area in a constant state of stress. Healing can only occur when the state of stress is removed and the body can relax. Releasing emotional trauma from the body on an energetic level, allows our mind and body to heal quickly, effectively and permanently.  Removing trapped emotions may just be the beginning of your true healing. 


This holistic approach helps people in different stages of their life journey; from those at the beginning of their healthy start to those already there and needing more guidance.  


I am excited to connect with you to see how we can work together to uncover your goals and rediscover happiness.


Book your FREE 30 minute discovery session today and start down a road to better health and happiness.
Click here to learn more...

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Trapped Emotion Release

Trapped Emotion Release is a form of coaching where we work together to discover, remove, and then replace the trapped emotion with truth.
The God who created you desires you to be free and live a life of health and wellness.
He created you unbroken, sovereign, and with so much love for you that its time for you to walk in that!
It is time for you to shed the darkness and walk in the light He put inside of you and then reflect that light onto others.

Let's get this going, click the button above to book a consult.

Partnering with Physicians

There are thousands of medical professionals working side by side with health coaches right now, and many more adding health coaches to their repertoire to better serve their patients. 


As a health coach, I empower and equip my clients to take control of their health so they can make the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes to help their health turn around. I help by assisting with weight management, diet related health conditions and stress reduction.


Ultimately, as a health coach, I help to bridge the gap between the patient and doctor by providing essential health services for both parties.


If you are a doctor and want to work together, let's chat. 

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